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Results for Software Engineering. 3 records matched your search request.

Emmet James Whitehead

Emmet James Whitehead

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Experience, Professor

Computational Media

Areas of expertise: Game Design, Computer Science, Video Games, Game Design, Game Studies, Software, Software Engineering, Game Technology

Biography, Education and Training

PhD, Information and Computer Science, Univ. of California, Irvine, 2000. MS, Information and Computer Science, Univ. of California, Irvine, 1994. BS, Electrical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1989.

Areas of expertise: Computer Science, Game Studies, Science Education, Software Engineering

Biography, Education and Training

Ph.D. Computer Science, University of California, San Diego M.S. Computer Science, University of California, San Diego B.A. Mathematics, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts

Areas of expertise: Robotics, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering

Biography, Education and Training

I was born in Sousse, Tunisia. I spent a fair bit of my childhood moving around from place to place, as my father was a civil engineer working on infrastructure projects of various sorts around the world. I spent six years in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where I went to high school. My undergraduate degree is from Princeton University, in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Following Princeton, I went to work for an international oilfield services company: Schlumberger. I spent a year in Algeria,... more »

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